Our Values
Make much of Jesus
May all we do be in his name and may we live out our faith daily, whether at work, in the market place, on campus, or in the family home.
Pray Boldly
A strong prayer life brings a close relationship with our Lord. As demonstrated in the new testament, we should pray as a corporate body; in small groups; and as individual believers. May we pray in one accord and expect great things.
Love the Broken
Brokenness comes in many forms; often visible, but also many times it is hidden away. The Savior we know can heal the brokenhearted and set the captive free.
Experience the Gospel Together
We are intentional in gathering together. Whether on Sunday morning during corporate worship, at a life group meeting, or in one on one discipleship, we have purpose.
Radical generosity
Generosity is a lifestyle that gives freely and lives openhandedly. It is choosing to humbly invest of ourselves and our resources into the kingdom of God and pour into others without counting the cost.